The Mace of the College of Medical Administrators of Sri Lanka
The Mace of the College of Medical Administrators of Sri Lanka was a unique piece of creation by Late Dr. Lalith Mendis, a founder member and a Past President, who had been a great line drawing artist and a cartoonist. It is made of highly ornamented Gold and Silver colour metals.
The Mace is the symbol of authority of the College of Medical Administrators of Sri Lanka. Therefore, as a tradition, the Mace-bearer dressed up in a traditional and decorative costume carries the Mace, during ceremonial processions of the College, leads the procession and places it on the special bracket provided for the purpose at the head table.
Written by Dr. P.D. Koggalage, Council Member – 2021
Courtesy to Dr. Reggie Perera, a Founder Member and a Past President & Dr. Shanti Dalpatadu, a Founder Member and a Past President